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How We Can All Help During COVID-19

COVID-19 has forever changed the U.S. and the world. Even though these current times may seem isolating and somewhat distressing, we can still help our fellow friends and family members. Our state and local community patrons could use our help too. Here are several ways we can all help: For Michigan: The COVID-19 Community Response…

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April Newsletter- How to Adjust Your Business During COVID19

How Pivoting Your Business Strategies Can Help You Weather the Coronavirus Pandemic Creative Programs & Systems It seems as if the world has fundamentally turned upside-down since early March when the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) reared its ugly head and changed everyday life as we know it. There is no doubt that the stay-at-home mandates released…

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Digital Marketing Remains Influential During the Covid19 Outbreak

The coronavirus continues to spread worldwide, causing panic and uncertainty for everyone as we deal with the pandemic. With health and safety remaining a top concern during this time, people continue to stay home and avoid commuting to work and going to stores, restaurants, and other public places. Customers are now secluded to their homes,…

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What To Know About Working From Home Remotely

The ability to work remotely outside of the office has been obtainable for a few decades; however, this technology has become more mainstream in today’s work society. Employers are finding it easier to allow their employees to work remotely as they discover it’s relatively simple to set up remote access with only a computer and…

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Open For Business With Your Safety In Mind

CPS knows how critical it is to be able to function as a business, and we are here to support you. We are open during this Stay at Home order and have taken measures to protect you personally and safeguard your computing equipment during this uncertain time. Within our building, we have marked the appropriate…

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Working Remotely During the COVID19 Outbreak

With the recent news of the coronavirus, state officials have asked companies to allow their employees to continue their work remotely from home (if possible), to lessen the spread of the highly contagious illness. Many businesses are heavily dependent on technology and the use of computers, so working remotely for many companies can be effective…

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