How We Can All Help During COVID-19

COVID-19 has forever changed the U.S. and the world. Even though these current times may seem isolating and somewhat distressing, we can still help our fellow friends and family members. Our state and local community patrons could use our help too.
Here are several ways we can all help:
For Michigan:
The COVID-19 Community Response Fund: Hosted by United Way in partnership with corporate, nonprofit, and foundation entities. This fund will allow you to rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations that are offering emergency relief to families and individuals in need within the southeastern Michigan areas. Learn More.
Become a Michigan Medical Volunteer: If you are a qualified health professional or related to the health industry, Michigan could use your help. If you are willing to support Michigan’s efforts in volunteering, go to to complete your registration. The state does not guarantee positions for any medical personnel, but they will contact you should the need arise.
CDC Foundation: The CDC Foundation Supports the critical health protection work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC Foundation is raising emergency response funds to enable the CDC to conduct its responses to COVID-19. Learn More.
For Your Local County:
The American Red Cross: Due to the cancellation of blood drives, the American Red Cross faces severe blood shortages and could use your donation. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS to find a local donation site. Go here to learn how you can help.
Local Food Banks: People more than ever before are at risk for hunger due to this pandemic. Most school districts are continuing their breakfast and lunch programs, which disperses food to children who qualify even while school is closed. Local food pantries are available in almost every county. Go here to find one near you.
Reach Out: We could all use a pick-me-up, especially during these times, and a personal phone call can go a long way in cheering someone up. So, pick up the phone and make that call!
Michigan and the United States may be reaching the peak of the outbreak, but our job as caring human beings has just begun. We can do this, and a little help can go a long way!