Are Your Downloads Killing Your PC?

Having proper knowledge and routine maintenance for your computers will extend the life of a PC. Installing regular updates for windows or keeping your antivirus up to date are a few helpful downloads that need to be done in order to stay secure. However, there are several harmful downloads that you could be installing in the background without even being fully aware of it occurring. In this article published by Fox News, some of the common downloads that can be harmful are discussed more in detail. Often, many users will try to “clean up” their own PCs by downloading freeware that promises to be helpful by speeding it up, enhancing online experience, or making certain tasks more simple. Unfortunately this is not always the case, and it can actually make things a much larger mess than it was in the beginning by installing malware, viruses, or other unwanted programs that will take up hard drive space and actually slow down the PC. In life, we typically get what we pay for and should be very conscious of what the word “free” really entails. If you need a professional computer clean up or repair, the technicians at CPS are available to always be of help and offer their technical expertise. Give us a call today!